Weekly update
Read on for our weekly update from Year 4.
Weekly Update - Autumn 2, Week 1
It's been a busy first week back in Year 4 - we really enjoyed the disco on Wednesday night and we've had a good week of learning too.
Maths: We have been using our estimation and checking strategies to check whether our answers are correct.
English: In English, we have started looking at the features of a narrative as well as comparing two narratives to see where the features were used effectively.
Reading: We began exploring a new non-fiction text on World Oceans Day developing our inference and retrieval skills with the fiction text, 'The Rhythm of the Rain'.
PE: In PE, we have developed our skipping skills and in outdoor PE, we have learnt some of the basics of defending.
Science: We began looking at our new topic of 'Sound' exploring how different instruments are able to make different sounds.
Geography: We investigated the impact of erosion on Britain's coastline and what is being done to reduce its impact.
RE: We looked at the different roles we each have and how that can help us to understand how Hindus have one God who appears in different forms.
Special Mentions: Congratulations to Ella and Sophie (4H), and Samuel and Joshua (4P) for their hard work and contributions this week!
Thank you,
Mr. Piper & Mr. Hampton