Weekly Update
Weekly update - Week 8
Weekly Update - Week 8
We've reached the final week of our first half term, and what a brilliant week it has been!
Maths: This week, we focused on adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers, working on problems that required more than one exchange.
English: In English, we wrapped up our diary entries with students completing their final drafts.
Reading: We began exploring a new non-fiction text on rivers, continuing to develop our retrieval and inference skills.
PE: In indoor PE, we practiced technique and control with jumping, hopping, and landing.
Science: This week, we tested our science experiment predictions and discovered that a larger surface area increases the rate of evaporation.
Geography: We kicked off a new geography topic by learning how to locate oceans and seas.
Spanish: We wrapped up our first Spanish unit by reinforcing what we’ve learned over the past weeks.
Special Mentions: Congratulations to Olivia-Rose and Tiana (4H), and Jakub and Macey (4P) for their outstanding achievements this week!
Thank you,
Mr. Piper & Mr. Hampton