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End of Autumn 2 week 1 Messages and Updates

What a great first week back we've had!

End of Autumn 2 Week 1 Message and Updates

It was lovely to see all the children this week following our half-term holiday. They have settled back into work mode really nicely and enjoyed some excellent lessons. Miss Crawshaw's class gave her a typical Rosehill welcome and made her feel part of the team straight away - well done guys, we are really proud of you and how you adapted to the change of teacher so positively.


All children need their PE kits for Wednesday.

The children should be bringing their reading books and reading journals in every day of the week and will be given chance to change their library books on Tuesday when we get back to school.

Kit checks have gone well this week but we haven't seen kit for everyone yet so if you haven't already done so, please send your children in with their walking boots, waterproof trousers, waterproof coat and rucksack to have them checked by Mr MacDonald.

Next week:
- In Maths, we will be starting our unit on subtraction and teaching the children some new songs in order to help them learn their times tables - you should recognise the tunes behind the 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5 times tables.
- In English, we will be continuing our learning of 'narratives' as we write our own stories based on Ted Hughes's Iron Man - ask the children to tell you which coordinating conjunctions they are now more confident using.
- In Reading, we will be analysing non-fiction texts based on our Geography topic of waterways.

- In Science, we will be continuing our unit all about sound - ask the children how sounds are made.
- In Geography, we will be continuing our unit 'Waterways' - ask the children about coastal erosion.
- In PSHE, we will be starting our unit of 'respecting the differences between people.'
- In PE, we will be continuing to develop our skills in football.

- In Design Technology, we will making our own levers and linkages to create movements.

- In RE, we will be continuing our unit on Hinduism.


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574