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End of Autumn 1 half term - 20/10/23

What a wonderful first half term we've had in year 4

End of Autumn 1 Week 7 Message and Updates

We are really pleased with our Year 4s. They have been wonderful to teach and their independence and maturity are growing week upon week. Children have been given optional homework that will build upon the skills they have been learning this week. Homework can be handed in at any point during the first week back and any returned homework will be awarded with Dojos.



All children need their PE kits for Wednesday.

The children should be bringing their reading books and reading journals in every day of the week and will be given chance to change their library books on Tuesday when we get back to school.

Kit checks will be taking place on the first week back so please send your children in with their walking boots, waterproof trousers, waterproof coat and rucksack to have them checked by Mr MacDonald.


Miss Rooney won't be with us after half-term as she starts her maternity leave. We wish her all the best and hope to hear good news in the near future. Miss Crawshaw will be joining the year 4 team as cover for Miss Rooney - welcome to the team Miss Crawshaw!

Next week:
- In Maths, we will be finishing our unit on addition.
- In English, we will be starting our learning of 'narratives' as we write our own stories based on Ted Hughes's Iron Man.
- In Reading, we will be analysing non-fiction texts based on our Geography topic of waterways.

- In Science, we will be starting our new unit all about sound.
- In Geography, we will be starting our unit - Waterways.
- In PSHE, we will be starting our unit of 'respecting the differences between people.'
- In PE, we will be starting to develop our skills in football.

- In Design Technology, we will exploring how different books use levers and linkages to create movements.

- In RE, we will be starting our unit on Hinduism.


Have a lovely holiday and we will see you when we return on Monday.

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574