End of Spring 1 Week 3 Messages and Updates

As our term continues, we continue to enjoy great moments of success - this week the highlights were another set of fantastic spelling results, some excellent creative narratives and some brilliant art work.
The children need their P.E. kits on Thursday next week although we do ask them to be in school all week if possible. Earrings should be removed before school please.
Please encourage the children to spend a little time each day reading, which we would be grateful if you logged on boomreader so that the children get dojos in school, practise their spelling patterns and spend a little time working on mastering their times tables.
Next week's learning:
- In maths, we will start looking at decimal and fraction equivalents
- In English, we will continue writing our very own narratives based on 'How to Train Your Dragon'
- In reading, we will continue to analyse the story 'How to Train Your Dragon'
- In history, we will learn about the end of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain
- In Spanish, we will continue learning about dates
- In computing, we will continue to learn about databases
- In science, we will continue learning about Earth and Space
- In P.E. we will continue working on our dance routines and start developing our football skills