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October Update

Dear parent/guardian,

Just like that our first half term has flown by! Since September we have seen some fantastic learning, heard some fabulous singing and been spooked by some frightful halloween costumes! We have also had some new pupils join us at Rosehill since September and we would like again to wish you all a very warm welcome. After all our pupils' hard work we hope they and yourselves have enjoyed the half term break and that our pupils come back ready to take on the second half of this term as we have lots to look forward to.

Please see the below details of both recent and upcoming activities taking place in school…

School Photographs

Last week our children had their photographs taken and you will have hopefully received a copy of the sample photo along with the order form. For anyone wishing to order a school photo please bring your order form back to school by Wednesday 2nd November with payment included.

After School Clubs

In November we will be running the following after school clubs;

● Y4 Craft Club - with Mrs Hepworth on Tuesday’s 3pm to 4pm

● Y3 & Y4 Football Club - with coaches from Rotherham United on Wednesdays 3pm to 4pm

● Y5 & Y6 Football Club - with coaches from Rotherham United on Tuesdays 3pm to 4pm

● Y5 & Y6 Hockey Club - with Mr MacDonald on Thursday’s 3pm to 4pm

● Y6 Cricket Club - with Mr Hayes on Mondays 3pm to 4.15pm

If your child would like to attend any of the clubs then please ask them to speak to their class teacher.

Guitar Lessons

We have a local guitarist from Rotherham Music delivering guitar lessons in school during the school day. There will be 6 lessons that will run throughout November and December which will cost £27.50 per pupil wanting to attend. The guitars will be provided in school. If your child would like to attend and you haven’t yet signed up please click here to complete the form.

Residential Trips

During November our Y4, Y5 and Y6 residential trips will be taking place, making November a busy and exciting month! If any parent has any questions regarding the trips then please speak with your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help. To remind yourselves of the trip details and what is needed on the kit list then please see the information posted on our school website here. For the children who are not attending the residential trips, they are still expected to come to school as normal, class teachers will be in touch nearer the time to let you know what they have planned for the children that will be staying in school.

Children in Need - 18th November

We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 18th November for Children in Need. Children are welcome to bring in donations of any size but donations are voluntary. We will also be holding some fun activities in school on this day too!

Rawmarsh Foodbank

Miss Rooney recently sent a letter out to inform you that the school is taking in food donations from staff and parents to help families in our local community. We are taking weekly donations of any size as every item will be greatly appreciated by families in need. For any parents or carers wanting to donate food items we please ask that you only bring in food on the days stated below:

Y3 - Tuesdays

Y4 - Wednesdays

Y5 - Thursdays

Y6 - Fridays

To view the list of most needed food items, please read Miss Rooney’s letter here. For more details on the foodbank we are helping please visit their website -

Parent Governor Vacancies

We currently have vacancies for Parent Governors on our Governing Board, Parent Governors play a key part in overseeing the vision of our school moving forward. If any parents are interested in joining the board then please complete the form here.

Flu Vaccines

For any children that were unable to have their flu nasal spray in school this week, please contact Intrahealth on 0333 358 3397 and choose option 2, they will be able to share dates of local drop in sessions that are taking place in October and November where you can take your child to have the vaccine.

Secondary School Applications - Final Reminder

For our Y6 parents and carers this is a final reminder that you will need to apply for your child’s place at secondary school by 31st October 2002. You can find further details and apply online by visiting the Rotherham Council website below:

Parent Parking

We kindly ask that parents parking outside of school be mindful not to block the driveways and access ways for the local residents.

Coming up in November….

● 7th & 8th November - Y5 Residential Trip to Castleton

● 8th & 9th November - Y4 Residential Trip to Castleton

● 18th November - Non-uniform Day for Children in Need

● 21st to 25th November - Y6 Residential Trips to Herd Farm

Thank you for reading and once again we wish you all a lovely half term break.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Hayes

Contact us

  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574