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Weekly update

Please read on for a weekly update from Year 4.

Weekly Update - Autumn 2, Week 2

There has been lots of learning taking place this week in Year 4 and the children have been trying really hard.

Maths: This week, we have focused on our first measurement unit on ‘area’. Children have done brilliantly comparing the areas of rectilinear shapes and drawing shapes with specific areas using squares.

English: In English, we have up-levelled a narrative and written a section of a narrative independently. We struggled to apply our knowledge of inverted commas initially but then did a great job when given the chance to edit our work.

Reading: We began exploring a new non-fiction text on Canals whilst continuing to develop our inference and retrieval skills with the fiction text, 'The Rhythm of the Rain'.

PE: In PE, we have continued to develop our skipping skills.

Science: We have investigated how humans are able to ear labelling parts of the ear whilst also considering what happens to the vibrations of a louder sound.

Geography: We learnt about the three stages of a river (please ask your children) as well as learning about major rivers in the UK.

RE: We have chosen one Hindu God to research about and we have started our first presentation page spread to present our findings.

DT: We have investigated levers and pulleys and built a hand wave system using cardboard.

Music: We have listened to and found out interesting facts about our focus song for this half term: ‘Blackbird’ by The Beatles.

Congratulations to Luke and Jacob (4H), and Pippa and Lorissa (4P) for achieving a special mention this week and a big well done to Hollie and Roman (4H), and Jessie and Summer (4P) for being this week’s always children.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mr. Piper & Mr. Hampton

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  • Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    S62 5QH

  • 01709 710574