Weekly Update
Autumn Week 4 update
We've had a fantastic fourth week in Year 4!
- Maths: We delved into place value, focusing on how to flexibly partition numbers up to 10,000.
- English: The children have been drafting their character descriptions of the Iron Man, which they will complete next week.
- Reading: We continued with chapter two of The Iron Man, honing our inference and retrieval skills.
- PE: The class kicked off their football unit, learning the attacking technique of dribbling.
- Science: The children explored how water changes its state, which we will build on in the next lesson.
- Computing: This week, we discussed how information is shared on the World Wide Web.
- Spanish: We practiced greetings and answering the question, "What is your name?" in Spanish
Special Mentions: Well done to Lincoln and Willow (4H), and Aleiyah B and Ella-May (4P) for their outstanding efforts this week.
Always Children: Congratulations to Edith and Daisy (4H), and Charlotte and Theo (4P) for always demonstrating positive behaviour!
Thank you,
Mr Piper & Mr Hampton