End of Autumn Term 1 - Week 4!
End of Autumn Term 1 - Week 4!
End of Autumn Term 1 - Week 4!
It's been another fantastic week in Year 5 with lots of amazing learning taking place... the weeks seem to be flying by!
All children need their PE kits for Monday and Wednesday. We have had quite a few children with no or part PE uniform and have not been able to fully participate in lessons.
Reading at home - Please continue to encourage children to read at home. Again they receive dojos and reading journals are checked on a Thursday when it is our library session.
- In Maths, we will be finishing our unit on Place Value and moving on to Addition and Subtraction
- In English, we will be writing our final draft of our persuasive leaflet and starting our next genre.
- In Reading, we will be continuing reading and analysing Malamanda.
- In Science, we are testing electrical conductors.
- In Computing, we will be looking at search engines.
- In History, we are continuing to delve into life in Ancient Greece.
- In Spanish, we are learning to say our age
- In PE, it is Hockey.
- In Art, we will be using our printing skills from last week to make our final piece.
Look out for updates on our Twitter page @RJSYear5 to see some of the brilliant learning taking place.